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Dialogs is a tab located on the left sidebar of the bot page.

On the Dialogs tab, you can read the bot’s dialogs in real time. This allows you to:

  • See the questions that the bot cannot answer and improve the script.
  • Find problems in the scripts and fix them.

Use filters to customize the dialogs to be shown.

Chatbot dialogs

In the left column, you can see a list of clients including the following details:

  • The publication channel icon.
  • The client’s name received from the channel.
  • The date and time of the first message received.
  • The date and time of the last message received.

At the bottom of the page, you can see the number of dialogs according to the filters applied. Here you can also choose the number of dialogs you want to display: 20, 50, or 100.

All messages with the selected client are displayed in the right column.

Message statuses

If your bot is connected to Telegram or Viber, you will see message statuses next to the time it was sent. The following message statuses are supported:

  • SENT
  • READ
The SENT status is only available in Telegram and the READ status is in Viber.

Voice bot dialogs

In the left column, you can see a list of clients including the following details:

  • The client phone number.
  • The date and time of the first conversation with the bot.
  • The date and time of the last conversation with the bot.

At the bottom of the page, you can see the number of dialogs according to the filters applied. Here you can also choose the number of dialogs you want to display: 20, 50, or 100.

The content of all calls is displayed in the right column:

  • Audio recording of the entire conversation.
  • Audio recording of each client phrase with a textual transcript.
  • Text transcript of bot phrases.

For each audio recording, you can:

  • Skip the track to the desired moment.
  • Set the playback speed.
  • Adjust sound volume.

You can also download audio recordings. To do this, click > Download.

The voice recording files are downloaded in the .wav format.


Filters are displayed above the list of clients. To add a filter, click . Select the filters you want to add.

Message date and time

You can display dialogs for the necessary period of time.

Select one of the options:

  • Between to display dialogs for an arbitrary period of time.
  • Any to display all dialogs.
  • After to display all dialogs after the selected date.
  • Before to display all dialogs up to the selected date.

You can also display dialogs for the current week and the current or last month.


You can filter dialogs by any phrase. Enter a phrase and choose which dialogs you want to display:

  • Contains to display dialogs that contain the specified phrase in messages.
  • Does not contain to display dialogs that do not contain the specified phrase.
  • Equals to display dialogs that contain messages with this phrase only.

If you choose Any, the filter will not be applied.

Client name

You can display only dialogs with the necessary client.

  • For the chatbot dialogs, you can choose a client from the list or use the search.
  • For the voice bot dialogs, enter the client’s phone number.

First client activity

You can display dialogs with those clients who first talked to the bot during the specified period of time.

You can choose a convenient way to display the time period.

Last client activity

You can display dialogs with those clients whose last message to the bot was sent during the specified period of time. For voice bot scripts, the date and time when the last call ended will be indicated here.

You can choose a convenient way to display the time period.