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Unique users

unique user is a user that contacted your bot in any given channel.

If the same person uses different channels to talk to your bot, they will be considered different unique users.

For example, if your bot talked to a John Smith on Telegram, this John Smith is a unique user. If the same bot talked to the same John Smith on WhatsApp, this John Smith is another unique user.

How many unique users do I have?

You can see the number of unique users on the Account settings → Subscription management tab.

Your account

How do different channels count unique users?

  • The chat widget looks at the browser cookies.
  • Telegram counts personal accounts.

Unique users on different subscription plans

Each plan for chatbots has a limit on the number of unique users. Every month this number is reset.

The limit is shared across all bots of the account: if the plan has a limit of 1,000 unique users, then this 1,000 unique users applies to the entire account, and not to one bot.

Unique users are not spent during outgoing and incoming calls. In plans for calls speech recognition and synthesis minutes are used instead.

Will the bot reply if I reach the limit?

If you run out of unique users, new users will get the following message: “Sorry, work is temporarily on pause”. You can edit this message in the Settings → In case any problems occur tab.

Those users who wrote to the bot before the limit was reached will be able to chat with the bot as before. For new users, the bot will be unavailable.

When the billing period is over, the count of unique users will start from the beginning. New users will be able to communicate with the bot again.

If you want your bots to keep talking to new users, you can:

Additional package of unique users

Tovie DialogStudio will notify you when you are about to approach the limit of unique users.

When you spend 80% and 100% of unique users, a notification will appear in the Tovie DialogStudio account and will also be sent to your email address.

You can buy an additional package of 100 unique users right from the notification by clicking the relevant button.

This feature is available on all chatbot plans except Business JivoChat.