Client response patterns
Each of the built-in intents includes sample phrases and phrase examples which correspond to the intent purpose.
Templates for the phrases with similar meanings are grouped in patterns that describe a particular client’s behavior.
You can also use these patterns in your own intents by specifying them in sample phrases when editing an intent. You do not need to add templates from the patterns — it is enough to specify the pattern name in the Intents block as follows:
With such intent, the bot will recognize the client’s phrases which correspond to the template from the $yes
Patterns in built-in intents
The patterns below are included in Tovie DialogStudio built-in intents.
Pattern | Pattern template |
$yes | (yes|yep|ye|y|OK|okay|yeah|yeh|i do|yup|ya|yea) |
$agree | ([$yes] ($comeOn|sure*|of course|certainly|definitely|easily|i (have|do|can|want)|well|exactly|absolutely|[i] (agree|(think|believe) so)|right|[that 's|that is] true|naturally|i (do n't|do not) mind|100 percents|by all means|okey|it is|you are)/yes you are/yes you do|fair enough| i will | (let us| let 's ) *) |
$no | (no|non|none|n|never|not|nope|nop|[i] (do n't|did n't|do not|did not)|no way|have n't|do n't have|have not|have no|i 've no|ca n't|can not|could n't| it 's not|it is n't|it is not|are n't| ai n't|are not|nono|nah) |
$disagree | [of course] ($no|never|not once|[i] (do not|do n't|would not| would n't) (agree|(think|believe) so)|impossible|false|hard to believe|not true|bullshit|(yo u're|you are) wrong) |
$bad | (bad|crappy|rotten|wretched|shitty|like crap|like shit|lousy|terrible|horrible|horrendous|awful|not good|crappy|shitty|inferior|disgusting|$no * $good) |
$bye | (bye|see you|g bye|goodbye|good bye|bye-bye|bye bye|so long|see you [later]|till later|talk to you later|i (must|have to) go|hasta la vista) |
$dontKnow | ((could not|couldn't|how could (i|you)) (say|tell)|[have] no idea|(do n't|do not) know|not sure|(do not|do n't) (care|think about it)|(could not|could n't) care less|who knows|do n't remember|i forgot|not [have] a clue|[it (is|'s)] hard to (say|tell)|I wish I knew|I ('d|would) (like|love) to know [it|this]) |
$gender | ((boy|guy|male|man|not (female*|girl|woman)):0|(girl|woman|female|gal|not (male|man|guy|boy)):1) |
$good | (good|nice|fine|cool|beautiful|wonderful|sweet|well|OK|okay|okey|all right|very well|alright*|allright*|not bad|great|not so bad |terrific |splendid |ex*el*ent|blooming|blossoming|excellent|perfect|the best|super|awesome|happy|glad|brilliant) |
$goodNight | (goodnight|good night|nighty night|nighty-night|sweat dreams|go to sleep) |
$hello | (((hi|hello|hallo|salute|bonjour|salut|hey) [there])|hey there |heil to thee|g day|howdy|olleh|halo) |
$like | (like*|love|lovi*|enjoy*|fancy*|prefer) |
$maybe | (maybe|perhaps|could be|why not|could say so|probably|possibl*|may be|doubtful*) |
$sure | (must be|sure) |
$thanks | (thanks|thank you|thank u) |
All patterns
Some patterns which are used in the built-in intents also include other patterns. These patterns help detect the client’s reactions in more detail.
You can also use these patterns in your own intents as well as patterns from built-in intents.
Description patterns
Pattern | Pattern template |
$compliment | ($you * ($good|$clever|$pretty|funny|sweet|cute|nice)|i $like your (hair|dress|smile|eyes|face)) |
$clever | (smart|clever|intelligent |cute|wise|bright) |
$pretty | (beautiful|handsome|pretty|attractive|good-looking|cute|nice|gorgeous) |
$ugly | (ugly|weird|not $pretty) |
$big | (big|large|great|giant|huge|enormous|colossal|defective|terrible) |
$fast | (fast|speedy|agile|blistering|light*speed|quick) |
$perfect | (perfect|ideal|unflawed|faultless|errorless) |
$sad | (sad|unhappy|depressed|sorrowful|downhearted|miserable|joyless|melanchol*| saddened|upset) |
$anyColor | (red|blue|pink|yellow|black|white|teal|magenta|green|violet|orange|cyan) |
$funny | ($regexp<a?(ha)*h?>|lol|funny) |
People and pronouns
Pattern | Pattern template |
$me | (i|me|myself|me|us|our|my|mine|ours) |
$me2you | (me:you|my:your) |
$you | (you|yours|thou|thee|U|$your) |
$your | (your|yor|yo) |
$mother | (mother|mothers|mother 's|mom|mom 's|moms|mum|mum 's|mums) |
$father | (father*|dad|dad 's|daddy|daddys|daddy 's) |
$brother | (brother|brother*|broz|bro|broz 's) |
$friend | (friend*|buddy|buddies) |
Questions, actions, and requests
Pattern | Pattern template |
$continue | (go on|continue|tell me more|interesting) |
$question | (what|who|where|why|how come|{(for|due to) wh*}|wh* reason*|wh* purpose*) |
$whatIs | ($tellMe|(what is|what 's) [about]| do $you have|is there $your) |
$tellMe | (tell [me] [about]|I am interested in|[want|like] to know * about|do $you know about|have $you * heard about|what * $you * (think|thought*|opinion)) |
$changeTheme | ( [let 's|let us] ((talk|speak) about something (different|else)| change [the] (topic|theme))|$me ($no $like|$hate) * (topic|theme)|say something else) |
$notNow | (not now|[(let's|let us|maybe)] [talk] [about it] later|(i 'm|i am|too) busy) |
$turnOff | ((turn|put|switch|get|shut) * off|mute) |
$turnOn | ((turn|put|switch|get) * on) |
$stopGame | ((stop|finish|$no want) [game|[to] play*]|[I ('m|am)] (tired|bored)|enough|I * give up) |
$comeon | ($yes|let us|let's|come on) |
$andYou | (and [(what|how) [about]] (do|did) $you [do]| and [what|how] [about] $you| [and] (what|how) about $you) |
$doYouLike | (do|are|if) [not] you * [not] (like|love|fond|keen|fan) |
$can | (can|could|will|would|may|(am|are|is) able to) |
$give | (give*|giving|yield*supply*) |
$hate | (hate|dislike|loathe|detest|abhor|(do not|do n't) like) |
$understand | (understand*|comprehend*|grasp*) |
$want | (want*|wish*|desire*|like*|lust*|need*|demand*) |
$work | (work*|perform*|operate*|operating) |
$think | (think*|thought*|opinion*|suppose*|believ*|belief*) |
$shutUp | (shut up|stop|cut it|enough|silence) |
$getLost | (get lost|go away|leave me alone|get out [of my sight]|clear off|hit the road) |
$repetition | (($you| you 've) (asked|said) (that|it)|not again|i [already] (told|answered)|(do not|do n't) (ask * (again|more)|bother)|[i 've|i have] {heard (that|it) already}|We* been * there (before|already)|$you [keep] repeat* *|$you * say* same [thing]|repeat yourself) |
$notTrue | (bullshit|lie|$no so|$no true) |
$noMatter | ($no (matter|important)|it 's ok|no problem|[i] (do n't|do not|could n't|could not) care [less]|i do n't care|(does n't|doesnt|does not) matter|never mind|nevermind) |
Pattern | Pattern template |
$goodTime | (good (morning|day|afternoon|evening)|g day) |
$howAreYou | how are (you|things) [doing|feeling] |
$youAreWelcome | ((you are|you* re|$you) welcome|please [feel] [free] [to]|(not|do not|do n't) (for that|at all|mention it)|[(is|have)] nothing to|no reason to|forget it) |
$whatsUp | (what 's (up|wrong)|what (is|went) (up|wrong|it)|what happened|what 's the problem|what is [(the|your)] problem|(what 's|what is) happening|wassup|wazzup|sup) |
$sorry | (sorry|excuse*|i did n't mean|forgive*) |
$helpYou | (what do $you (need|want)|how can I help $you|what {can i} do for $you|what do $you want) |
$cheerUp | ((brighten|cheer|jolly|spruce|chirk|buoy|perk|look|suck it) up|do n't (be sad|worry|sulk)|smile) |
$comfort | (all will be (fine|well)|(it's|it is) allright|it's fine|sort it out|do n't worry|forget it|never mind) |
$problem | (problem*|issue*|difficult*|trouble*) |
Geographical patterns
Pattern | Pattern template |
$serviceWether | ([(check|tomorrow 's|(what|where|how) is|what 's|how 's|tell me [about]|show me)] [the] weather [like]|is it going to rain) [today] * |
$Earth | ((this|our|my) planet|earth) |
$iLiveIn | ( my native country is |my native city is |i (live in |am living in |reside in |am from |come from ) ) |
$nation | (american|russian|chinese|british|english|french|spanish|dutch|italian|greek|german|belgian|ukrainian|jew|jewish|canadian|austrian|japanese|polish|polack|bulgarian|hungarian|mexican|brazilian) |
$europeCountry | (France|Italy|Spain|Britain|Belgium|Netherlands|Holland|Chezch republic|Bulgary|Romania|United Kingdom|Scotland|Ireland) |
$americaCountry | (States|USA|Canada|Brazil|Mexico|Argentina|Cuba|Hawaii) |
$country | ($europeCountry|$americaCountry) |
$hashCountries | (albania|algeria|andorra|angola|anguilla|antigua and barbuda|argentina|armenia|aruba|australia|austria|azerbaijan|bahamas|bahrain|bangladesh|barbados|belarus|belgium|benin|bolivia|bosnia herzegovina|botswana|brazil|brunei darussalam|bulgaria|burundi|cambodia|cameroon|canada|chile|china|colombia|congo brazzaville|congo|costa rica|cote d ivoire|croatia|cuba|cyprus|czech republic|denmark|dominica|dominican republic|ecuador|egypt|el salvador|estonia|ethiopia|faroe islands|fiji|finland|france|french polynesia|gabon|georgia|germany|ghana|gibraltar|greece|grenada|guadeloupe|guam|guatemala|guinea|haiti|honduras|hong kong|hungary|iceland|india|indonesia|ireland|israel|italy|jamaica|japan|jordan|kazakhstan|kenya|korea|kuwait|latvia|lebanon|lesotho|lithuania|luxembourg|macau|macedonia fyrom |madagascar|malawi|malaysia|maldives island|mali|malta|mauritius island|mexico|moldova|monaco|morocco|mozambique|myanmar|namibia|nepal|netherlands|netherlands antilles|new caledonia|new zealand|nicaragua|nigeria|norway|oman|panama|papua new guinea|paraguay|peru|philippines|poland|portugal|puerto rico|qatar|romania|russia|rwanda|san marino|saudi arabia|senegal|seychelles islands|singapore|slovakia|slovenia|south africa|spain|sri lanka|st lucia|sudan|sweden|switzerland|syria|taiwan|tanzania|thailand|trinidad and tobago|tunisia|turkey|ukraine|united arab emirates|united kingdom|united states of america|uruguay|uzbekistan|vanuatu|venezuela|yugoslavia|zambia|zimbabwe) |
Additional patterns
Pattern | Pattern template |
$AnyWord | (a*|b*|c*|d*|e*|f*|g*|h*|i*|j*|k*|l*|m*|n*|o*|p*|q*|r*|s*|t*|u*|v*|w*|x*|y*|z*) |
$any | (whatever|any*|your choice|no matter what) |