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Bot features

Tovie DialogStudio bots can:

  • Chat with clients. Bots respond to clients in publication channels: chat widgets (on websites), messengers, or social networks.
  • Talk on the phone:
    • Call clients. The bot starts calling by a phone number list at the time you specify or when a CRM system trigger is activated.
    • Receive inbound calls from clients.

What bots can do

The bot behavior is determined by a script. A script consists of screens to which you add blocks.

Each block represents a bot answer or action. A bot sends an answer or performs an action from the block when it reaches the screen that contains this block.

When talking to clients, bots can:

Send and voice text

Chatbots send text messages to a chat. Bots for calls and bots for voice assistants voice text.

Send files

Tovie DialogStudio bots can send images, audio, and video.

Recognize client responses

Tovie DialogStudio bots can recognize client intents in messages and voiced text.

You can configure your bot so that it will try to recognize in the client’s response a specific word, phrase, or entity — a sequence of words united by the same meaning or rule. A bot can do it during a conversation with the client or at a certain moment.

Save data from clients

A client answer can be automatically saved to a variable that can be later used in the script — for example, sent to a third-party service or an email address.

Bots can save:

Respond to clients

When creating a bot, you define how it will respond to clients. You can specify various bot reactions depending on:

  • what a client says, even if the bot does not understand them;
  • what button a client selects;
  • whether a specified condition is met.
For example, the bot can compare the client’s number with another one and follow a certain branch depending on the comparison result.

You can also teach your bot to answer frequently asked questions at any moment during the conversation.

Transfer dialogs to agents

If the bot fails to help the client or the client wants to talk to a human, the bot can transfer a dialog or a call to an agent.

Connect to third-party services

You can connect your bot to third-party services so that the bot exchanges data with them during communication with the client.

Your bot will be able to:

Collect analytical data

Tovie DialogStudio collects various data on your bot’s work. To analyze your bot work and improve it, you can use:

  • Statistics on the number of unique users, dialogs, and messages. You can also mark up your script to understand when clients leave the chat or terminate the call.
  • The content of all dialogs that the bot had.
  • Call reports — information on call time and duration, a number of call attempts, and call statuses.

Features of all types of bots

Chatbots and bots for voice assistants

Below you can see what features are supported by chatbots and bots for voice assistants on the Tovie DialogStudio side. However, bot features depend on a particular channel where you use a bot.

FeatureChatbotsBots for voice assistants
Who starts a dialogClientClient
Sending textYesYes
Receiving messages from clientsYesYes
Voicing the textNoYes
Speech recognitionNoYes
Sending files and imagesYesYes
Saving text and numbers into variablesYesYes
Saving files from clientsYesNo
Supporting buttonsYesYes
Transferring dialogs to agentsYesNo
Sending HTTP requestsYesYes
Google Sheets integrationYesYes
Receiving payments in TelegramYesNo
Sending SMS messagesYesYes
Sending emailsYesYes
Collecting statistics on unique users, dialogs, and messagesYesYes
Storing dialogsYesYes
Dialog reportsNoNo
HTML markupYesYes

Bots for calls

The features of the bots for calls:

FeatureBots for call campaignsBots for inbound calls
Who callsBotClient
Sending textNoNo
Receiving messages from clientsNoNo
Voicing the textYesYes
Speech recognitionYesYes
Sending files and imagesNoNo
Saving text and numbers into variablesYesYes
Saving files from clientsNoNo
Supporting buttonsNoNo
Transferring dialogs to agentsYesYes
Sending HTTP requestsYesYes
Google Sheets integrationYesYes
Receiving payments in TelegramNoNo
Sending SMS messagesYesYes
Sending emailsYesYes
Collecting statistics on unique users, dialogs, and messagesYesYes
Storing dialogsYesYes
Call reportsYesNo