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Text campaigns

Tovie DialogStudio bots can launch text campaigns: send messages to clients the bot talked to before. When you launch a campaign, the bot does not wait for the first message from a client and initiates the dialog itself. For example, the bot can send information on promotions and discounts or changes in your business operations.

Outgoing messages are not charged. Unique users are charged only when clients reply to these messages.

Text campaigns are supported only in text channels. They will not work:

Campaign creation

To create a text campaign:

  1. Create a client list for a text campaign.
If you want to launch a campaign for all existing clients in the channel, go straight to creating and configuring a text campaign.
  1. Select your bot project, go to the Text campaigns page, and click Create text campaign.
  2. Configure the campaign settings and content.
  3. Launch the campaign.

Client list

  1. Select a chatbot project and go to the Dialogs section.
  2. In the top panel, select the channel for which the client list will be created. To do this, filter dialogs by the Channel type value.
Use other filters to create a selection of clients in the channel based on specific criteria.
  1. Select Create client list.
  2. Enter a name for the list and click Create.

The client list has been created. Now select Go to text campaigns, and you will be taken to the screen for configuring and launching a campaign.


  1. Fill out the campaign name or leave the default one.
  2. Select the channel for your campaign. You can select any text channel where the bot is published.
  3. In the Client list field, select All channel clients or select the list you want.
  4. If necessary, schedule the date and time for the campaign start.


Here you can configure the campaign content using the built-in editor.

You can send multiple bot reactions in one message:

  • Text — enter a message and format it using HTML markup if you want.
  • Image — attach a link to an external image or upload your own.
  • Buttons — add one or more buttons with a text and a link to an external resource.
Applying HTML markup and sending images or buttons is not available in all channels. See the documentation for limitations of the selected channel.


After configuring the campaign settings and content, click Create text campaign.

This will either launch it immediately or schedule it for the specified time.

Campaign information

In the Text campaigns section, you will see all campaigns sorted by creation time.

The following information on each campaign is available:

  • Name.
  • Creation date.
  • Campaign progress in real time: the number of sent messages / the number of clients (the percentage of the campaign completion).
  • Channel.
  • The name of the client list.
  • Launch date and time.
  • Status.

Campaign statuses

A campaign can have one of the statuses:

CreatedThe campaign is created, the list of clients is still being processed.
ScheduledThe list of clients is processed, the campaign will start at the specified time.
In progressThe campaign is in progress at the moment.
CompletedThe campaign is completed.
ErrorThe campaign has not started due to problems when processing the list of clients.

Campaign management

When the text campaign is launched, you can suspend it  or terminate it prematurely . Suspended campaigns can be resumed at any moment.

Additionally, through the  context menu any campaign can be:

  • Duplicated. When duplicating a text campaign, you can edit any of its settings and content: for example, launch it in a different channel.

  • Configured. You can change the campaign name, start time, and content of the text campaign.

    The option is available only when the campaign is in the Scheduled status. Text campaigns already started cannot be edited.
  • Deleted. If you delete the launched campaign, it will be terminated automatically.