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How to process more calls

Tovie DialogStudio allows working with phone calls on any subscription plan.

There is no difference whether you use an Tovie DialogStudio connection or your own SIP connection for making calls. In any case, call processing speed depends on the Tovie DialogStudio load.

How many calls can be initiated at the same time

Tovie DialogStudio processes inbound and outbound calls and also initiates calls when transferring them to agents.

We do not limit the number of calls our users can initiate or receive at the same time.

When there is a standard server load, we do not prioritize any type of calls and process them in sequence.

When a high server load appears, we start to manage our telephone traffic. First of all, we try to receive all inbound calls and transfer the calls to agents. After that, we initiate calls in the launched call campaigns.

The standard server load is 20–25% from the full server capacity. During peak hours, servers are loaded by 80% and more.

In case of a high server load, we can reduce the number of simultaneous outbound calls until the server load decreases. Therefore, we cannot guarantee a high call processing speed during peak hours.

If you want to process your calls quickly at any time and be independent of Tovie DialogStudio load, you can connect additional telephone servers.

The number of calls on different subscription plans

Despite the calls being available on all accounts regardless of the subscription plan, the bots on the Free subscription plan can make no more than two outbound calls at the same time. This restriction does not depend on the load level.

There is no such restriction for the accounts on paid subscription plans. But in case of the high server load, call campaigns on the accounts with paid subscription plans will be slowed down along with call campaigns on other Tovie DialogStudio accounts.

Also, accounts on paid subscription plans do not have a priority for calls processing over accounts on the Free subscription plan. The earliest call campaigns and inbound calls are processed first.

How to connect additional servers

To have an opportunity to launch call campaigns and receive calls from clients regardless of the Tovie DialogStudio server load, you can buy our individual telephone servers.

One server can process up to 100 calls at the same time.

On the additional server, the calls are processed according to the same rules as the calls on shared Tovie DialogStudio servers. However, in this case, you will not share the servers you buy with other Tovie DialogStudio users. You will be provided with full server capacity. Therefore, your bots will be able to process up to 100 calls of all types at the same time.

You can buy any number of additional telephone servers.

We provide additional servers under a contract. To know about all the details on additional servers connection, contact our sales department: