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This method returns a URL for downloading the current call recording.

To download call recordings, enable the Record calls option in the phone channel settings.


The method is called without arguments and returns a string with the call recording download URL:


URL template

The file download URL conforms to the following template:



  • host is the domain where the project is hosted, e.g.
  • token is the token for downloading call recordings from the current project.
  • sessionId is the current call session identifier.

You can download the recording from the link without authorization in the platform. To get the link that requires authorization, use the $dialer.getCallRecordingPath method.

If Tovie Platform is installed in your infrastructure, we recommend monitoring requests to any URLs of the https://{host}/api/recordings/token/… format or limiting access to them.


I can’t download the file from this link

Question: I can’t download a call recording from a link obtained using $dialer.getCallRecordingFullUrl() (or another way). Why?

Answer: You may be trying to download a file immediately after the call ends.

The system takes some time to make the audio recording available after a call. This may take up to several minutes. The file will be available via the link for at least six months.