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This method returns the current phone number dial schedule.

The method works only when the call was created using the Calls API with a custom schedule of allowed call time intervals.


The method is called without arguments:


The method returns an object with two properties, allowedDays and allowedTime.

See the Calls API POST /addPhones method specification for the description of allowedDays and allowedTime value formats.


Suppose a phone number was added to an existing campaign using the following request:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
"phone": 16500000000,
"allowedDays": [
"allowedTime": {
"sat": [
"localTimeFrom": "12:30",
"localTimeTo": "15:00"
"sun": [
"localTimeFrom": "10:00",
"localTimeTo": "18:00"

When called from the script during this campaign, the method will return the following object:

"allowedDays": [
"allowedTime": {
"sat": [
"localTimeFrom": "12:30",
"localTimeTo": "15:00"
"sun": [
"localTimeFrom": "10:00",
"localTimeTo": "18:00"