The method cancels the response generation in a knowledge base chat.
The method is available only in the ECMAScript 6 runtime and is asynchronous.
The method accepts the following arguments:
Argument | Type | Description | Required |
secretName | String | Name of the knowledge base secret. | Yes |
chatId | Number | Chat identifier. Use the identifier returned by the$rag.chat.create method. | Yes |
queryId | Number | Identifier of the request for response generation. Use the identifier returned by the$rag.chat.processQueryAsync method. | Yes |
timeout | Number | Timeout in milliseconds for the method execution. If the timeout is exceeded, an error will occur. By default, the timeout is not set. | No |
You can pass arguments to the method in different ways.
- Positional arguments
- Via object
Specify the arguments in order:
await $rag.chat.cancelRecordProcessing("MyKnowledgeHub", 12345, 11111, 5000);
Pass an object whose fields match the names of the arguments:
await $rag.chat.cancelRecordProcessing({
secretName: "MyKnowledgeHub",
chatId: 12345,
queryId: 11111,
timeout: 5000
Return value
The method returns an object with information about the response generation request.
If the request is canceled successfully, the status is CANCELED
"id": 11111,
"chatId": 12345,
"request": "What does the Example service do?",
"status": "CANCELED",
"createdAt": "2024-12-04T07:44:48.401037Z",
"response": null,
"updatedAt": "2024-12-04T07:44:48.401039Z",
"comment": null
The object has the same format as the response to the POST /api/knowledge-hub/chat/{chatId}/query/{queryId}/cancel
request in the Tovie Data Agent API.
How to use
state: Answer
intent!: /question
$client.chat = $client.chat || await $rag.chat.create("MyKnowledgeHub");
const ragRequest = await $rag.chat.processQueryAsync("MyKnowledgeHub", $client.chat.id, $request.query);
var cancelRequest = await $rag.chat.cancelRecordProcessing("MyKnowledgeHub", $client.chat.id, ragRequest.id)
$reactions.answer("Request status: " + cancelRequest.status)
- If there is no chat yet, the bot creates a chat.
- The bot creates a request and saves its identifier.
- The bot cancels the request by this identifier and sends the status to the user.