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This object is used for filling in system responses.

$response.replies is a list of responses made while processing chatbot reactions. It is an array containing strictly typed elements and utilized in order to transfer chatbot replies to platform-specific chat adapters, such as Telegram.


replies supports objects of the following types:

  • text is a regular text response. Every element of this type is printed out as a separate message. The tts parameter should contain the same text with special markup rendered by speech synthesis systems. The markup parameter determines text formatting style.

    "type": "text",
    "text": "....",
    "tts": "....",
    "markup": "html|markdown|plain"
  • buttons — renders a regular button.

    "type": "buttons",
    "buttons": [
    "text": "button" // All the remaining attributes will be directly passed on to the messenger.
  • inlineButtons — renders an inline button. If a url attribute is present, then the specified link will be opened upon pressing the button.

    "type": "inlineButtons",
    "buttons": [
    "text": "button",
    "url": ""
  • image — renders an image.

    "type": "image",
    "imageUrl": "http://..."
  • raw — is used for passing on methods specific to a particular channel. The mandatory body parameter contains the response body transferred into the chat system. Parameters used for user identification are set up automatically.

    "type": "raw",
    "body": {...},
    "method": "sendMessage"
  • switch — switches the dialog from the bot to a customer service agent.

    "type": "switch",
    "firstMessage": "...",
    "closeChatPhrases": ["..."],
    "oneTimeMessage": true|false
  • location — prints out geographic coordinates. Its attributes are lat and lon.

    "type": "location",
    "lat": 59.934280,
    "lon": 30.335099
  • timeout — makes a transition to a specified state if the user gives no response.

    "type": "timeout",
    "interval": 10,
    "targetState": "/timedout"
  • dtmf — is a DTMF message signal (containing figures and characters typed on a touch-tone keypad). Intended for calls only.

  • hangup — cuts off the call. Intended for calls only.


How to use

  • Image rendering.

    type: "image",
    imageUrl: "https://testimageurl.jpg",
    text: "Image" // This field is optional.
  • GIF rendering.

    $response.replies = $response.replies || [];
    "type": "raw",
    "animation": ""
    "method": "sendAnimation"
  • Switching to a customer service agent.

    $response.replies = $response.replies || [];
    $response.replies .push({
    closeChatPhrases: catchAll.closeChatPhrases,
    firstMessage: $client.history,
    destination: catchAll.operatorGroup,
  • Changing the reply in the post-process if the bot tries to give the same reply for the third time in a row.

    bind("postProcess", function(){
    var $session = $jsapi.context().session;
    var $response = $jsapi.context().response;
    var answer = $response.replies ? $response.replies.reduce (function (answers, current) {
    answers += " " + current.text;
    return answers;
    }, "") : "";
    if ($session.lastAnswer && (answer == $session.lastAnswer)) {
    $session.answerRepetition = $session.answerRepetition || 0;
    $session.answerRepetition += 1;
    } else {
    $session.answerRepetition = 0;
    if ($session.answerRepetition == 2) {
    $response.replies = [{
    "type": "text",
    "text": "We are going in circles. Could you ask me something else?"
    $session.lastAnswer = answer;