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To display a list of items as a carousel, use the carousel reply type. A carousel is a collection of cards with text descriptions.

The maximum number of cards in one message is 10. Cards added after the tenth one won’t be displayed in the message.


textStringYesGeneral carousel description that is sent as a separate message.
contentStringYesAn array of objects with carousel cards.

The content array contains objects with the following properties:

titleStringYesCard title.
descriptionStringNoCard description.
imageStringNoImage URL.
btnTextStringYesButton text.
The maximum length is 25 characters. Button text over the limit will be trimmed.
urlStringNoTarget URL where the user will be redirected to when the button is selected.
If the property is not specified, then selecting the button will send a message with the button text to the chat.


"type": "carousel",
"text": "Choose a suitable subscription plan for our service",
"content": [{
"title": "Standard plan",
"description": "Free plan for a small number of users",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"btnText": "Learn more"
"title": "Business plan",
"description": "Plan for commercial use and high user traffic",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"btnText": "Learn more"

Channel restrictions

carousel is only supported in the following channels:

  • Chat API
  • Chat widget

How to use

Consider the following example. When a transition is made to the BestLocations state, the bot will display the message Best places to visit. Below the message, two cards will appear describing two travel destinations: Phuket and Bali. The main card will be the one listed first in the content array. In the example above, it is the card about Phuket. The second card will appear to the right of the main one.

state: BestLocations
$response.replies = $response.replies || [];
var reply = {
"type": "carousel",
"text": "Best places to visit",
"content": [
"title": "Phuket",
"description": "Phuket offers something for everyone, especially budget-minded travelers.",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"btnText": "Read more"
"title": "Bali",
"description": "Serene temples and beautiful beaches are the biggest draws to this lush Indonesian paradise.",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"btnText": "Read more"

Below is an example of the cards in the carousel.

First card
Second card