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SMS messaging

Tovie Platform supports sending SMS messages right from the script. For that, you have to buy an SMS package. Contact for more details.

Supported channels

You can send SMS messages from:

How to use

There are two ways you can configure sending SMS messages:

  • Use the sms reply type in the script. To handle successful or failed SMS message delivery, specify the smsSuccessEvent and smsFailedEvent events.
  • Add the Sms action tag to the script and specify the necessary parameters: the recipient phone number and message text.

Message length

There are character limits for SMS messages:

  • Messages with Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Hindi, Japanese, and Korean characters may contain no more than 70 characters.

    If there is at least one, for example, Arabic character in the message, then the whole message is considered to be in Arabic.
  • Messages with Latin characters only may contain no more than 160 characters.

  • One emoji counts as one character.

  • The following characters count as two characters: \f, ^, {, }, \, [, ~, ], |, .

  • If the message length exceeds than the allowed length, the message will be segmented when it is sent. Each segment is billed as a separate message, but the recipient will get a single message.

No more than 6 segments can be sent at a time.

Custom SMS sender ID

If you have set a configuration with the Vonage provider, you can specify the sender ID. Otherwise, NXSMS will be displayed as the SMS sender.

To configure a sender ID:

  1. Sign up for Vonage and obtain your SMS API credentials.
  2. Pass the provider configuration in the providerConfiguration object.


In this example, the client with the 16123456789 phone number receives an SMS message Your order has been successfully completed when switching to the Confirmation state.

If the SMS message is delivered successfully, the message Thanks for your order! We have sent your order details in an SMS message will be displayed in the chat.

state: Confirmation
var reply = {
"type": "sms",
"text": "Your order has been successfully completed",
"destination": "16123456789"
$response.replies = $response.replies || [];

state: Success
event: smsSuccessEvent
a: Thanks for your order! We have sent your order details in an SMS message.