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Retrieving call campaign information

The following Calls API methods can be used to retrieve call campaign information:

Detailed call campaign information

Example request


Response content

The response will be a JSON object with the following properties:

idCampaign ID.
nameCampaign name.
projectNameThe ID of the project where the campaign was created.
creationDateUnix time when the campaign was created, in milliseconds.
botIdPhone channel ID.
statusCampaign status.
shortReportStatistical data on the campaign.
startTimeUnix time when the campaign was started, in milliseconds.
endTimeUnix time when the campaign was finished, in milliseconds.
maxSimultaneousCallsThe number of simultaneous calls in the campaign.

These are the shortReport properties:

totalNumbersTotal phone numbers in the campaign.
processedNumbersHow many phone numbers were processed.
usedTalkingTimeHow many telephony seconds were used.
usedAsrSecondsHow many ASR seconds were used.
inProcessCallsHow many calls are in progress.
retryCallsHow many calls were tried more than once.

Call campaign status

Example request


Response content

The response will be a string indicating the campaign status:

  • planned
  • inProcess
  • finished
  • paused
  • deleted