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Patterns in J‑Graph

J‑Graph allows you to use patterns to recognize user phrases during the dialog.

Patterns are formal rules describing keywords and expressions is requests.

When patterns are used for request recognition, Tovie Platform doesn’t apply its classification algorithms, built-in synonym dictionaries, and other tools for natural language understanding (NLU). The bot will only recognize a user phrase if it exactly satisfies a rule.

In most cases, intents are preferred over patterns, because they are more resilient to the variety of human speech. Patterns can be useful in specific cases when the bot should only react to phrases conforming to a certain template and ignore everything else.

Adding a pattern to a state

You can use patterns either instead of regular user phrases or as triggers.

  1. Go to the state editing menu.
  2. Find User phrases and events and select User phrase.
  3. Configure and save the block.
Setting a pattern as a user phrase