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Script structure

The Script structure panel is a tool for navigating and managing the script. To open the panel, click in the top left corner of the canvas.

Script structure

The panel displays the hierarchy of script elements: themes and states. By default, all elements in the list are collapsed:

  • To expand a theme or state, click to the left of the element name.
  • To expand all items at once, in the top right corner of the panel, click and select Expand all.
  • If you select a step on canvas, it will also be selected in the panel and all its parent elements will be expanded.

To navigate to a theme or state on the canvas, double-click the element.


You can also browse the elements in the panel using keyboard.

Actions with themes and states

Using the panel, you can create, rename, and delete a theme or state.

Create theme

To create a theme:

  1. Right-click any element.
  2. Select CreateTheme.
  3. Enter a theme name and click Create theme.

The new theme will appear on the top script level.

Create state

  • To create a state on the top level of a theme, right-click the theme and select CreateState.
  • To create a state on the same level as another state, right-click the state and select CreateState.
  • To create a nested state, right-click the state that will be the parent and select CreateNested state.

Next, specify the name of the state and click Create state.


When you create a state, you can also add a reaction block or action.

Rename element

To rename a state or a theme:

  1. Right-click the element.
  2. Select Rename.
  3. Enter a new name and click Save.

Delete element

To delete a state or a theme:

  1. Right-click the element.
  2. Select Delete and confirm deletion.