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  • The existence of a bot response.
  • The response text.
  • The state in which the response was generated.
  • The state which started script execution.
Text checks do not take into account the difference in spaces and line breaks.

For each bot reply a, the <a> tag is required in tests.


  • class is a state which started the script for the current request, an optional attribute.
  • state is a state in which the response was generated, an optional attribute.


The text of the expected response, optional.


<a>Response text</a>

Instead of a text response, in <a>, you can specify the state to which the system goes. For that, use the class and state attributes.

The class attribute indicates the state to which the user’s request was classified. The state attribute indicates the state from which the response was received. For example:

<q>What’s up?</q>
<a state="/Offtopic/HowAreYou"/>

If you need to check that the system first gets into one state, and then with the help of the go! tag goes to another state, you can use class as an attribute that indicates the state into which the system gets first. Then, use state as an attribute indicating the state into which the system gets further.

If after the first state there is a sequence of transitions, they should also be described using the state attribute. For example:

<q>What’s up?</q>
<a class="/Offtopic/HowAreYou"/>
<a state="/Offtopic/Fallback"/>
<a state="/Offtopic/HowCanIHelpYou"/>

class and state can be the same. If one transition per state is tested, it is better to use one of these attributes when testing. Full record:

<q>What’s up?</q>
<a class="/Offtopic/HowAreYou" state="/Offtopic/HowAreYou"/>