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This method returns the TTS provider settings of the phone channel used for the current call.


The method is called without arguments:


The method returns a settings object. The properties of this object are different based on the provider. If the provider supports no additional settings, the method returns an empty object {}.

All settings returned by the method can be overridden for the current call using the $dialer.setTtsConfig method.

Provider settings


  • lang

    • Synthesized speech language.
  • voice

    • Speech synthesis language.
    See the complete list of languages and voices for synthesis in the Google documentation.
  • pitch

    • Voice pitch. Takes an integer or float value from -20 to 20, where -20 means a 20-halftone decrease from the original tone, and 20 means the same increase.
  • speakingRate

    • Synthesized speech rate. Takes an integer or float value from 0.25 to 4, where 1 is the normal voice speed.
  • volumeGain

    • Volume increase in dB relative to the normal voice volume. Takes an integer or float value from -96 to 16. When set to 6, the volume is approximately twice as high as normal.


  • language

    • Synthesized speech language.
  • voiceName

    • Speech synthesis language.
    See the complete list of languages and voices for synthesis in the Azure documentation.
  • sampleRate

    • Sample rate.